St. Patrick’s Day Wreath

St. Patrick's Day wreath

St. Patrick’s Day Wreath

Top o’ the mornin’ to ya!

Sorry.  Couldn’t resist.

Who doesn’t need some extra luck in their lives? I know I always can!

St. Patrick’s Day is one of those holidays that I really don’t have many decorations for…certainly not as much as Halloween or Christmas. If you’ve seen any of my other posts, you may notice that I love garlands!

I knew that I wanted to make a St. Patrick’s Day Wreath and my mom actually suggested that I try wrapping one of my garlands around a wreath frame to give it a ruffly appearance.

So I tried it and it didn’t work, but I liked where she was going with that idea. After thinking about it for a week or so, it finally came to me.  I could make three separate garland pieces, stitch the bases together and wrap that around the wreath frame.  Bingo!

And how fun to change up the colors instead of one solid color!  I couldn’t wait to try it!
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Love/Luck Reversible Sign

love/luck reversible sign crochet

Love/Luck Reversible Sign

This past February I went a little nuts designing and creating crocheted decorations for Valentine’s Day. I was trying to build up enough inventory for when I opened my Etsy shop and launched my blog. I had the idea to make the word “Love” into a vertical hanging sign. And how cute to make the “O” a heart instead!

So I sat down with my graph paper and graphed out a heart design. With my favorite crochet hook, I grabbed some Red Heart Yarn that I had left over from another project and got to work. I wasn’t sure how it was going to turn out, but I kept going anyway. The final result ended up being a really cute wall hanging decoration!
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Upcycled Shamrocks

Upcycled Holiday Garland

Aren’t these Upcycled Shamrocks so cute!?

Hey Everyone!

I never know what to do with those pesky rings that sometimes pop off my water bottles when I open them. I don’t like to throw them away and if I throw them in our recycling container, they just collect at the bottom and become a mess of stickiness!

Thank goodness our little town has a recycling center because my family goes through a ton of plastic bottles.

So what can you do with those little plastic rings?

Why craft with them of course!
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